Research Project Stage One: The present body of work is underpinned by extensive research that served as the experimental foundation for the subsequent development of the thematic framework in its second stage. The three visual representations showcased below were initially submitted as part of this rigorous research process.

Edit #1 | Country Doctor | Eugen Smith 1948
Edit #1 | Country Doctor | Eugen Smith 1948
Edit #2 | Country Doctor | Eugen Smith 1948
Edit #2 | Country Doctor | Eugen Smith 1948
Edit #3 | Country Doctor | Eugen Smith 1948
Edit #3 | Country Doctor | Eugen Smith 1948
These images prominently feature a male figure who symbolises the ordinary individual ensnared within a cyclic and monopolistic societal structure. Through the progression depicted in these visual sequences, we witness the gradual erosion of personal autonomy, as the transition of the mannequin signifies the gradual consumption of free will. Ultimately, the final image encapsulates the complete subjugation of the individual by the forces of capitalism, reducing them to a mere pawn within its oppressive system. This transformation culminates in the individual's fate as a puppet, perpetually manipulated and controlled by society at large.

Digital C-Type Print
Semi Gloss 30 X 21 cm
Photographic Research Project Stage One
University of Brighton
The primary aim of this experimental exploration was to effectuate a narrative shift from the original image. With resounding success, this endeavour resulted in the emergence of a reconfigured visual identity and a new narrative trajectory that seamlessly aligned with the thematic underpinnings, subsequently informing the progression into the second stage of the project.
Edit #1 | Falling Fire Escape | Stanley Forman 1975
Edit #1 | Falling Fire Escape | Stanley Forman 1975
Falling Fire Escape | Cyanotype #1
Falling Fire Escape | Cyanotype #1
Falling Fire Escape | Cyanotype #2
Falling Fire Escape | Cyanotype #2
Edit #2 | Falling Fire Escape | Stanley Forman 1975
Edit #2 | Falling Fire Escape | Stanley Forman 1975
Edit #1 | Saigon Execution | Eddie Adams 1968
Edit #1 | Saigon Execution | Eddie Adams 1968
Saigon Execution | Cyanotype Test #1
Saigon Execution | Cyanotype Test #1
Saigon Execution | Cyanotype Test #2
Saigon Execution | Cyanotype Test #2
Edit #2 | Saigon Execution | Eddie Adams 1968
Edit #2 | Saigon Execution | Eddie Adams 1968
 The images titled "Falling Fire Escape" and "Saigon Execution" were integral to the initial stage of this project, serving as catalysts for experimentation involving Photoshop techniques, extensive research, and the printing process. However, these particular images, showcased above, were not ultimately chosen to progress further within the project due to their distinct and profound portrayal of serious and impactful situations. Consequently, they convey a message that diverges significantly from the intended thematic direction of the project.
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